Tuesday, September 7, 2010

reflections at the food court

today we decided to hit up the mall considering the crazy florida weather couldnt make up its mind. did it want to be rainy or did it want to be sunny? it didnt know. so off to the mall we went to find a few items gigi wanted. 

we stopped at the food court to have a little lunch, i got noah a little kids meal from panda express that consisted of a tiny portion of orange chicken and a tiny portion of lo mein noodles. once i sat noah down with gigi to eat i ran across to the other side of the court to order me something. as i waited for my food to be made i watched in amazement as noah sat across the table from gigi like such a little man. he was twirling his lo mein noodles onto his fork so daintily and with such focus. he carefully put each bite in his mouth not dropping a single noodle. he then chewed each bite with his mouth closed and watched as people walked around the court. what a beautiful little creature!

it made me think about the day he'll be sitting at school with his other classmates and i wont be there to help him and baby him. of course, when we send them to school, we dont get to see those things. it made me a little sad but at the same time proud. sad because with every passing day he needs me less and less, and is quickly evolving from a sweet baby boy to an independent little person. it made me proud because he has come so far, and he is confident and smart enough to be independent. 

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