Thursday, September 2, 2010

family time is nearly here!!

so for the past 2 weeks or so we have been doing some minor renovations to the house. it first started with the intention to only paint the upstairs hall. but then after that, the stairway was looking a little blah. so the stairway was next on the list. that got a little dangerous, as you saw in my previous entry. then we took it on downstairs to the main wall. and then we figured, if we've done this much, we might as well keep truck'n. so we did the entire living room and entry way. once we got started it was refreshing to have a fresh coat of paint throughout the house. you wouldnt think it would make that much of a difference, but it really did. 

the walls looked so nice that i then got the urge to de-clutter noah's play area. it had become a mat littered with all different types of baskets and bins none of which matched. so i found a cute bin-shelf-thingy from ikea. i knew i would have to put it together, because thats the whole ikea deal, and i really dont mind assembling things, i actually kinda like it. i get proud of myself when i do a good job! i must say, the end result came out pretty damn good. sometimes i think HGTV might want to give me my own show.  

just call me martha stewart

we didnt mean for all these changes to take place before grandma and ryan came into town, but now that everything is nice and fresh it will be nice to have company over. not that it wouldnt have been nice before, but you know what i mean. its been 6 months since ive seen grandma and ryan, im super excited!! i cant even remember the last time ryan was home, i think its been over a year... we'll see if he likes how his room has been converted into noah's room  :/  but im hoping he doesnt mind TOO much. can't wait to see them!!

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