Monday, September 20, 2010

i feel like i havent updated in forever. we had family here for the past 2 weeks, so i was a little lazy with the blogging. 

its was so nice to see grandma (gigi) and ryan. this visit was the first time that ryan and i went out partying together. quiet different than how our relationship was 3 years ago. lol. different, but good. he's a trip to go to the clubs with. and whats funnier yet is he does it completely sober! 

ryan got to spend some much needed bonding time with noah. it sometimes takes noah a little bit of time to warm up to people, but for some reason it was instant with ryan. within 10 mins of being home from the airport they were fishing together out back. i loved watching them together, and watching ryan show him how to cast it out into the water. i remember calling ryan the day i found out noah was a boy and talking to him about teaching him to fish someday. it was cute to see it happen. 
fishing buddies

mom is going to kill me for adding this to the blog, but its so cute i can't keep from telling people...

last night i went to a friends to watch a movie, so mom laid noah down for me. today when i talked to her about it she told me that noah woke her up and said "mimi, stop that noise." so then they laid back down and a little while later she was woken up again to noah saying "mimi, stop that noise." lol she was snoring. so when i asked him about it, i said "what noise was mimi making last night?" and he said it was a choo choo. LOL. o noah, you make me laugh!

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