Saturday, September 4, 2010

good finds all around

today was a busy little day. we woke up early to make our second trip in 3 days to ikea to get noah a new rug for his room. i had originally bought him a light blue rug from target which looked kinda blah at the store, but figured it was probably just the florescent lighting. after all,  everything looks a little blah under florescent lights, even people! anyways, it wasnt the lighting, it turned out it was just a hideous rug... so it had to go back. while we were at ikea a couple days ago getting the bad ass toy bin that the future martha stewart then put together using only a tiny alan wrench, i noticed a pretty nice shag (but not 1970's shag) rug. it was navy and would go perfect with noah's red and navy room! so we got that to replace the gross light blue rug. it kinda looks like a decorator from pottery barn came to decorate ;)

then a few hours later we went to pick up grandma (gigi) from the airport. noah was super excited to go to the airport to get her, but was a little disappointed when he found out that he wasnt allowed past security. after kisses, gigi surprised noah with an ohio state basketball that was just his size. he loves things that are just his size. mimi then mentioned how she wanted to get him his own basketball net. o how we forget he is listening to every word we say... 

so after the airport we had to make a quick stop at toys r us. he then proceeded to play basketball for the next 4 hours. literally from the time we got home from the airport (3:00) until it was bath time (7:00) breaking only for dinner. he played on the front porch, in the kitchen, in the entry way, and on the back porch. he couldnt get enough. i must say, i was very impressed by his dedication. i thought for sure it would have been like every other new toy, it would be the best thing since sliced bread for about 10 mins and then it would lose its flare pretty quick. not this thought, he was a basketball playing fool!

it was a good day. good find at ikea. good find at the airport. good find at toys r us.

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