Tuesday, September 7, 2010

the mystery that is the swap shop

im laying in bed tonight, unable to sleep, my mind skimming through completely random thoughts. one of which being my last post. so i figure, while im up, lets type it out... what exactly is the lure of the swap shop?!

first, what about it makes it world famous? is it world famous for being dirty? or maybe world famous for having a bunch of crap? possibly world famous for abusing their circus animals? world famous for being able to buy a gloriously bedazzled neon triple xl t-shirt? im not sure, maybe for all the above.

granted, its probably been a good 15 years since ive been there, but if memory serves me correct, it was hot, the floor was always wet, and there was clutter for as far as the eye could see. and as far as i can tell from driving by, it has now split over into the drive-in section, and parking has now been expanded to the other side of the road. it looks as if people go to yard sales, swindle your $3 dollar glass bowl down to 10 cents (the haitians are particularly good at this) and then go sell it for the $3 you were originally asking for. are people so obsessed with bargains that they subject themselves to such ickiness?

its a mystery that may never be solved.

goodnight, hopefully.

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