Sunday, August 22, 2010

missing everyone

today i got to catch up with a friend that i havent seen in a while. i tend to think about a lot of people throughout the day. some people i havent seen in several years and others i see on a daily basis. its weird how a single thought about something completely unrelated to the person can set off a chain on thoughts that leads you to them.

example... last night as noah was laying next to me in bed it made me think about how tiny he used to be, but even when he was 3lbs he still had the same little face. which lead to me think about all the hustle and bustle that was constantly happening in the nicu. which led to me thinking about when ryan came to visit him for the first time. and then i thought about ryan being in the coast guard which made me think about other people i know in the military and then that made me think about will (my ex from high school) in iraq. and it all started with me watching noah sleep. such a scattered brain i have!

anyways, what i was getting at is even though i have a horrible habit of losing touch with the people i love and care about, it doesnt mean that i dont think about them on a very regular basis. i feel like im always thinking "i really need to catch up with kitty, i miss her. or i havent talked to my dad in a while. or i wonder what amanda and hollie are doing up at school." and as im thinking those things i tell myself im going to make an effort to get ahold of everyone soon, but then the busy-ness of life sweeps the thought away until it pops back up the next day.

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