Tuesday, August 17, 2010

journals to blogs

i've always thought about starting a blog, i have so many random thoughts throughout the day that i figure someone out there may find them as entertaining as i do. i think it would also be a nice hobby for me to pick up, my writing skills have taken a sharp downward dive since leaving school in 2006.

about a year ago i thought id start a little composition journal of noah's daily accomplishments and antics. i thought it would be nice to look back years from now and laugh at little tantrums as well as major milestones that you tend to forget over the years. a nice intention, i know, but it lasted all of 2 entries.

writing by hand has almost become a nuisance now that our computers tend to be attached to our hips. my hand writing had nearly been perfected after hours of note taking while away at school, and now the extent of my writing by hand has been reduced to the grocery list. and trust me, ive contemplated typing that out as well, however i have no printer. ah... it would be so nice to easily edit my list in order to follow the layout of the grocery store.

while a hard copy of a journal would have been a nice keepsake, a blog will be nice for friends and family to read that don't get to enjoy noah's little quirks as often as i do. and there it is, my first entry, im feeling confident about it. lol

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